Commodore 2019 - 2022
Born and growing up on the Isle of Wight, my family can be traced back many hundreds of years, my maiden name being Newnham.
My father, a businessman in Cowes, built his sailing boats and raced them in Cowes. A contemporary and friend of Uffa Fox, they built several Flying Fifteens, of a cold moulded version, very successful, but soon to be superseded by a fibreglass hull. Summers for me centered around the water. My first school, Westmont was in Newport, a small private school and Senior school in Cowes.
My working life began in Lloyds Bank Cowes and I then transferred to the West End Branch in London. My future husband, Roger Lashmar, also an Islander and ISC member sailed in XOD’s before going to work in London. After marrying, we had two boys and I went on to teach young children until we retired back to the Island in 1993.
We renovated our Victorian house, bought a 30ft yacht and joined the Island Sailing Club. Elected to General Committee in 1999, rising to Rear Commodore in 2004, then Vice Commodore in 2007. Finally in 2019 becoming Commodore