James.C.W. Damant Tablet

This Tablet is positioned in the Entrance Hall.

J.C.W Damant Tablet

Commodore 1947 to 1953

Vice Commodore 1935 to 1947

Rear Commodore  1929 to 1935

A member since 1904

 The tablet was erected in grateful recognition of all he did for our club during his life and so that present and future generations may know how much is owed to his work and inspiration until he died in 1953.

 James was the son of founder member H.C. Durant and was elected as a member in 1902. It was in the Commodore's first year April 2nd, 1948 that a confidential note was sent to all members informing them of a scheme to present the recently married Princess Elizabeth and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh with a Dragon.

 This was carried out by members making donations of a maximum of 5 guineas per member.

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