Bobby Lowein
Commodore 1964-1968
R.T. Lowein was born in Cowes and after qualifying as a Dentist and three years in the Royal Navy returned to Cowes, taking over his father's practice.
Like many other commodores, Bobby was a successful yachtsman. In 1950, Rum Runner was adapted to a design by David Chiverton. With her, Bobby achieved second place on the Dover-Maarstrand race and was placed third on the Marrrstrand to Copenhagen race in 1952. It was whilst he was in Copenhagen that he first met Karen Peetz, whom he later married. Five years later, he took his SCOD Lullaby to Copenhagen on a cruise of some 2,800 miles.
In 1959, Bobby Lowein was awarded the Title of Yachtsman of the Year, and also in that year, he won the Round the Island race in Danegeld. Again in 1966 and 1967, Bobby won the Gold Roman Bowl when racing Roundabout, which was owned jointly with Sir Max Aitken. He further went on to race Sir Max Aitken's yachts, Perseverance and Knockout.
When he retired from Flag rank in 1968, Bobby Lowein was made Honorary Life Member of the Club in appreciation of his many years of unbroken service on the General Committee and as a Flag Officer of the ICS.
More Info...This can be found in THE ISLAND SAILING CLUB HISTORY BOOK 1889 - 2014