Eve D. J. Woodyear
Commodore 1986-1989
The ISC has always been well to the fore with new ideas, and in 1986 it became the first large yacht club in Britain to appoint a lady as its Commodore. A member since 1944, daughter of a lifelong member, and granddaughter of a founder member, she was born and brought up in Cowes, and lived away from the town only for education, followed by two years in the WRNS.
Eve's father bought her a dinghy in 1945. Through the kindness of Commodore, Jimmy Demant she soon graduated into crewing aboard keelboats. She became regularly involved in crewing, mainly in old RN Windfalls, both 50 sq. meters and also 100 sq. meters, as well as local yachts. She raced the Flying Fifteen regularly and raced a Scow in the ISC's Tuesday evening races. Later Eve took her little motor sailer, Dormouse, via the canals to the Mediterranean after a tour of the Dutch canals, but it was on a French-built penichette that she flew the ISC burgee around the waterways of France and Belgium.
The Clubs history recorded in a Book The ISC History 1889-2014 owes much to Eve's work. We say 'her' history with real respect and deep admiration, not only for the huge amount of work and knowledge she put into her research, her writing, and the collection of so many of the illustrations, but in recognition that she was maybe the one person who had the ambitious concept that it could be written at all, and who had the enthusiasm and stamina to carry it through.
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More Info...This can be found in THE ISLAND SAILING CLUB HISTORY BOOK 1889 - 2014