
For more information on each item either select the hyperlink - More Info, the Object or the Name

Commodore listings No. 1

For more information about these Commodores select the hyperlink to take you to the section showing Past Commodores Photos

Commodore listings No. 2

For more information about these Commodores select the hyperlink to take you to the section showing

Past Commodores Photos

Commodore listings No. 3

For more information about these Commodores select the hyperlink to take you to the section showing

Past Commodores Photos

Admirals Listings

For more information about each of these Admirals select the hyperlink name.

T. C. Ratsey

B. C.Wideler

O.A. Aisher

Sir Maurice Laing

R. Aisher O.B.E.

Major-General Sir M. White K.C.V.O. C.B. CBE.

Crankshaw Bowl Listings 1

The Crankshaw Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Crankshaw Bowl Listings 2

The Crankshaw Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. This listing has not been updated since 2016. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Gold Roman Bowl Listing 1

The Gold Roman Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Gold Roman Bowl Listing 2

The Gold Roman Bowl Listings are part of the The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different web-site by selecting this link.


Gold Roman Bowl Listing 3

The Gold Roman Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Gold Roman Bowl Listing 4

The Gold Roman Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Yeoman Challenge Bowl Listing1

The Grecian Challenge/ Roman Challenge Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Yeoman Challenge Bowl Listing2

The Grecian Challenge / Roman Challenge Bowl Listings are part of The Round the Island Race Trophies Collection consisting of over 150 trophies. This listing has not been updated since 2016These can be viewed on a different website by selecting this link.


Rocking Chair Trophy

Members and visitors to the Club will doubtless have seen the Rocking Chair that occupies pride of place in the main Clubroom. The trophy dates back to 1968 when the Committee wanted to award something different from the usual 'silver cup'. It was agreed that a full-size chair would be provided annually and given to the winner of IRC Class 1, on the Friday of Cowes Week. One was dispatched to Sir Edward Heath at number 10, in 1974. By 1984 the annual cost of providing a new chair and arranging its transportation was providing somewhat prohibitive.

The Rocking Chair Model

On its last occasion was a winner from France who suggested the trophy would continue to be kept in the Club. Harry Hedley, a long-standing member, and father of Brian, David, and the former Commodore Peter Hedley, offered to make a model of the rocking chair in a glass case that could be used as the Challenge Trophy.

Starting Cannon

Five years after the club was formed, races were given up to 20 Raters for larger classes. These larger boats were started from an extension of the club's line. As the yachts were not likely to hear the 12 bore shoulder gun normally used for starts, a muzzle-loading Canon was specially mounted on the Watch House Slip. It is recorded that permission was sought from the Local Council Board to fire a gun from the Watch House causeway a few years after the club was formed. Afterwards, Mr Herbert White (of J.S. White & Co. presented to the Club two brass Cannons, which were mounted on swivels on the sea wall. These were then used for all future racing.

Starting Cannon

These two Cannon are now positioned on either side of the fireplace in the bar area.

Yacht Club Poland

Those of you not in Cowes regularly may be unaware of the really special relationship between the town and the polish town of Gdynia, home of the wartime destroyer ORP (HMS) Blyskawica. She was the second of two Grom (Thunderbolt)-class destroyers built for the Polish Navy by J. Samuel White, of Cowes, in 1935–37. The Grom class were two of the most heavily armed and fastest destroyers in World War II.

This ship was based in the River Medina at J.S.Whites for repairs on the night of 4th. May when 140 Nazi bombers attacked Newport and Cowes. The crew of the Blyskawica manned her guns and although 70 lives were lost many more were saved by the action and in gratitude for the action of the ship's crew. Cowes has maintained strong links with those men and their descendants, On The 60th. anniversary of that night a younger generation of Polish sailors were invited to Cowes for some Sonar sailing. They were presented with the club's burgee and in return, the club received a special ensign and plaque. The Club was founded December 10th, 1924 under the name Polish Yacht Club (from 1925 Yacht Club of Poland) as a nationwide organization with the right to create branches. The action began with the sailors in Warsaw under the chairmanship of Antoni Aleksandrowicz. Branches were created including in Warsaw, Gdynia, and other cities. One of the founders and first commandant was Mariusz Zaruski.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Societe des Regates du Havre

The Club was founded in 1838.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Real Club Nautico de Gran Canaria

The Club was founded in 1908.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)

This plaque was presented to the Club for its generous donations collected over many years.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Calshot Lifeboat (RNLI)

Before the RNLI Inshore Lifeboat station moved next door, the ISC invited the Calshot Lifeboat to the Club just before Christmas, for the Xmas Drinks Punch Party and presented them with a cheque, which was collected at the Xmas Raffle.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Borough of Medina

Non-Metropolitan District Borough. Created 1974 & abolished 1995 Succeeded by Isle of Wight Council.

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Joint Services Adventurous Sail Training Centre

This is now hanging in the upper stairwell of the club.

Club Binoculars

The club has 4 pairs of binoculars. 3 pairs are of German origin and believed to be from WWII. They have code markings on the side which indicate the manufacturer's name and company address.

Binocular 1

This pair is positioned at the exit from the bar area to the balcony.

Binocular 2

This pair is positioned in the Race box. They are positioned on the start line transit.

Binocular 3

This pair is positioned in the Race box and can be moved to any position on the working top. They too are originally German manufacture but have a modified base and holding frame

Binocular 4

This pair is positioned in the Race box. They have a large stable base on wheels, so they can move to any convenient position in the race box. They were manufactured by Monk Optics, Chepstow and presented to the Club by past Admiral Sir Maurice Laing.

Could someone please give me that sail number?