Charles John 11th Baron Colville of Culross KT, GVCO

Commodore 1892-1900

Lord Colville joined the ISC in 1890 after declining the Commodore-ship, but in 1892, he became the third Commodore. He was a former Captain in the 11th Hussars and also had been one of Queen Victoria's equerries. He was JP in both Hampshire and Middlesex and also the Chamberlain to the Princess of Wales, later Queen Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII. The new Commodore was also Chairman of the Great Northern Railway. In addition, Lord Colville also took his seat in the House of Lords where, for a time, he was the Conservative Chief Whip. It is not surprising that during his years in office, his name appears only rarely in the minutes of meetings.

 However, his son, the Hon. George Colville, was a very active member of both the General and Sailing Committees and was destined to become Commodore of the Club some years later. 

Lord Colville owned a holiday house in Cowes and had, in 1854, been elected a member of the RYS. Whilst Commodore of the Club, he owned a 23-ton steam yacht, Volage.

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More Info...This can be found in THE ISLAND SAILING CLUB HISTORY BOOK  1889 - 2014