B. C. Windeler
B. C. Windeler 1960-1961
Commodore 1956-1959
The son of Charles Windeler and his wife Amy, the sister of Frank Mew, (Commodore 1919-1921) Cyril came to Cowes as a child when his father was the secretary of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in Ryde.
After the death of his father, he had to join the family wool broking firm of Windeler and Co. During the 1939/45 war, he was made director of all wool imports into the UK.
In 1930 Major Cyril Windeler suggested a handicap race around the Isle of Wight which could cater for smaller boats - those in the category of 5-25 tons. He may at the time, have been enjoying a quiet joke at the expense of the Royal Yacht Squadron, who had stated that their members must own a yacht of a minimum of 30 tons!
In 1931 the first Round the Island Race took place with 25 boats entering. Major Windeler had the beautiful Gold Roman Bowl made and presented it to the Club as the main Trophy which is still raced today. He did win the race in his boat Kalliste a 7ton Aux Sloop in 1939.
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More Info...This can be found in THE ISLAND SAILING CLUB HISTORY BOOK 1889 - 2014