Past Commodores Photos
This section lists the 36 past Commodores in date order from the time the Club was formed to the present time. A short history for each Commodore is also given.
Past Commodores
Past Commodores
These pictures can be viewed on the walls up the stairs going up to the Bar
Past Commodores
Past Commodores
These pictures can be viewed on the walls up the stairs going up to the Bar
For more information on each item either select the hyperlink - More Info. or the Name
For more information on each item either select the hyperlink - More Info. or the Name
Commodore 1889-1890
Commodore 1892-1900
Charles Augustus Stanhope, 8th Earl of Harrington
Charles Augustus Stanhope, 8th Earl of Harrington
Commodore 1900-1901
Commodore 1903-1909
Commodore 1910-1918
Commodore 1980-1983
Commodore 1986-1989
Awaiting photo